How to Care for Your Wellies

How to Care for Your Wellies

How to Care for Your Wellies

Do you love your wellies but struggle to keep them in good condition?

Wellies are a staple in many people's wardrobes, especially during rainy seasons. However, improper care can lead to damage and a shorter lifespan for this beloved footwear.

While these rubber boots are sturdy and durable, they still require some attention and maintenance to ensure they last as long as possible. Neglecting their care can result in cracking, fading, or even deterioration in their waterproof ability.

Fortunately, with a few simple steps, you can keep your wellington boots in excellent condition and enjoy them for years to come. In this blog post, we will discuss some essential tips on how to care for your wellies, so you can keep them in top-notch condition, all year round. 


Benefits of Proper Wellie Care

Whether you're a farmer, a stable hand, gamekeeper or just like to wear wellies out in the garden, they will always perform at their best with a little TLC. 

Some of the key advantages of taking proper care of your wellington boots are:

  • Longevity & Durability - wellies can last a long time if you take care of them, which is great when you've found your perfect pair
  • Reliable Protection - these boots are designed to keep your feet nice and dry, and this is done through the materials used. Look after the materials, and you're looking after your feet
  • Comfort - your comfortable boots need a bit of help in staying that way, but by maintaining them with regular cleaning and proper storage, they will keep being your go-to pair
  • Foot Hygiene - this footwear is often used for the mucky and muddy jobs, so it's likely they'll pick up a bit of bacteria and grime along the way. Keeping a boot clean helps to protect your foot and keep those bad odours away
  • Enhanced Performance - when you look after your wellies, they'll look after you. By cleaning and looking after them, you are maintaining that foundation for them to get the job done 
  • Versatility - you want your boots to be ready for any weather, so by utilising products that help their care, you can make sure they are ready to face any situation. 

Cleaning your wellingtons after farming is always a good idea as the livestock's urine and dung will cause the rubber to deteriorate. The soles can also collect bacteria making it easy to transfer across the ground.

People working along the shores should also clean their wellington boots frequently, as the sand and sea water can cause the rubber to deteriorate.


Products Needed for Proper Wellie Care

Here are the essential products you need for proper wellington boot care:

  • Soft Brush
  • Dry, Soft Cloth
  • Soapy Water
  • Old Newspaper
  • Oil or Silicone Spray Bottle
  • Odour Neutralising Spray
  • Boot Jack.

How to Use a Boot Jack 

Person Using Boot Jack with Wellies

Boot Jacks are very underrated, but they can make all the difference in easy removal of your boots.

They are a piece of equipment that should be by every front door! Created to help take your boots off without the need to use your hands, this little piece of genius is a great idea if you’ve been out in the fields or muddy lanes all day and your wellingtons are covered in filth. It also helps keep the original shape of the boots that can often be compromised if you forcefully put them on and off.

The design consists of a U or V shaped mouth and a flat area. You insert the heel of your foot into the U or V shaped mouth whilst the boot is on your foot, and with the other foot you stand with your weight on the flat side, thus pulling your foot free from the front of the boot. Repeat the process for the other foot and you will soon have your wellies off.


How to Clean Your Wellies

Person Scraping Off Muck From Their Wellies

Although we all tend to think that wellingtons don’t need that much attention, it's vital that you have a regular cleaning process in place to ensure their longevity, comfort, and performance.

Follow these simple and straightforward steps, and your boots will thank you for it. 


Prepare for Cleaning

  • Remove your wellingtons (outside if possible) by using a boot jack or your hands. Please don't be tempted to use a step or the toe of your other foot, this can cause too much stress on the heel and over time can cause splitting
  • Have your cleaning products ready to go, including your soapy water


Clean & Rinse

Person rinsing their wellies with clean water
  • Brush off as much dirt as possible on the shank of the boot and then do the same with the soles, paying particular attention to the grooves
  • Using a clean cloth, gently wipe down the entire surface of the boots using warm, soapy water, removing as much of the dirt as possible. Focus on any visible stains, plus the zips or buckles
  • Rinse off the soap residue with clean warm water, and then repeat the process if necessary. Shake off any excess water and wipe again with a dry cloth to buff
  • Use a silicon based spray to help prevent the rubber deteriorating or perishing, and you can also use an odour neutralising spray for any particularly smelly boots.



  • Crumple old newspapers up and insert them inside to help the boots in their drying process
  • When drying, it's important that you do not leave your wellies in direct sunlight or next to a hot radiator. Dry them somewhere ventilated. 


How to Properly Store Your Wellies

Wellies stored upside down on boot rack

Before you pack your rubber wellies away for the day, make sure you put them somewhere cool and well-ventilated. This is particularly important if you won't be wearing the wellies again for long periods of time.

It is advisable to store them on a boot rack, if possible, or in a boot bag if you have one. Try to keep them away from any areas of the home which are prone to high moisture. 


Top Tips: Dos & Don'ts

Here is a quick recap on the Dos and Don’ts for keeping your wellington boots looking great.


  • Use a boot jack to remove your boots, if possible
  • Get a regular cleaning schedule in place
  • Leave to dry completely inside before rewearing
  • Store in a cool well ventilated place when not using
  • Do invest in silicon spray:
    • Just like your skin if you don’t look after it, your boots can get dry and cracked so a quick spray will help nourish the rubber
    • Always put a little silicon spray on your zipper for extra protection. Open and close a few times, then leave closed. If your zip fails, you won’t be able to get your boots on or off! Also, make sure you zip all the way up when wearing to prevent dirt getting into the zip
    • If you have bought a pair of high-quality wellingtons you might notice a white powdery "bloom" on them, this is actually quite normal – it is insoluble particles that have risen to the surface, and is due to the characteristics of a premium product made from natural rubber. Take care of it with a little silicone spray.


  • Dry by the fire, hot radiators, in direct sunlight, or any other direct heat source
  • Leave outside in extreme temperatures, including in sheds or the boot of your car 
  • Use any harsh chemicals when washing and rinsing the dirty wellies
  • Forget to clean them! 

Remember: The best preparation for tomorrow is by taking care of things today. So, give your pair of wellies a little spruce up whenever they need it, and they'll always be ready to join you on your next trip outdoors.



With a little effort, your wellington boots will continue to be your reliable companion in any weather conditions.

Remember to clean them regularly, store them properly, and apply a protective treatment when needed. This will help their longevity and enhance their optimal performance.

So, go ahead and step out in confidence, knowing that your wellies are well taken care of. 

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