Collection: Clothing & Boots for Beating

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When it comes to beating, having the right clothing and boots is essential for comfort, protection, and overall performance.

The rugged terrain and demanding nature of beating require garments that can withstand the elements while providing unrestricted movement. Clothing should be durable and ideally water-resistant or waterproof. Opt for lightweight yet tough materials like reinforced fabrics that can withstand thorns, branches, and other obstacles encountered during beating or shooting

Additionally, consider wearing a long-sleeved shirt or jacket to shield your arms from scratches and insect bites that are common during country pursuits. Choose breathable fabrics to ensure comfort throughout the day. Plus, look for trousers with multiple pockets for storing essential items, and consider layering pieces for the cold conditions. 

Equally important are the boots you wear during beating. They should offer excellent grip and ankle support to navigate through various terrains. Look for boots with sturdy rubber soles that provide traction and stability on wet or uneven surfaces. Wellies or hunting boots are perfect as these will keep your feet dry. 

Our excellent range of garments features options from Hoggs of Fife and Jack Pyke, so you know you are getting quality with each piece. 

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