Collection: Turnout Rugs

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Turnout rugs are essential for keeping our horses comfortable and protected from all weather conditions.

This collection offers a diverse selection of horse rugs that cater to the varying needs of the animal. Designed with ultimate comfort and durability in mind, these horse accessories are crafted using high-quality materials and innovative technologies, such as the Weatherbeeta ComfiTec range.

There are a variety of options, from lightweight turnout rugs for milder weather to heavy-duty rugs for extreme cold temperatures. All are crafted with features, such as detachable leg straps, that prioritise the well-being of the horse. They are constructed with a strong and durable outer shell, ensuring longevity and protection from wear and tear. Additionally, the rugs offer superior waterproof and breathability properties, keeping the horse dry in unpredictable weather.

If you are a horse owner looking for extra protection for your horse, then choose an option from this range of turnout rugs to get a high-quality product that provides enhanced comfort and freedom of movement. 

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