Collection: Stable Rugs & Sheets

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Stable rugs and sheets play a vital role in maintaining the health and comfort of horses in a stable environment.

These essential horse accessories not only provide warmth and protection against the elements but also ensure optimal hygiene and relaxation for the horses. They come in various weights to suit different weather conditions, ranging from lightweight sheets for mild climates and warmer months to heavyweight rugs to keep a horse warm in cold weather.

Stable sheets and rugs offer insulation and help to regulate the horse's body temperature, preventing them from getting too cold or overheated. Moreover, they serve as a protective layer against dirt, dust, and stable debris, keeping the horse comfortable and clean, by reducing the risk of skin irritations or infections.

With their versatile functionality, excellent comfort, and emphasis on horse welfare, stable rugs and sheets are indispensable items for any responsible horse owner. This range has top choices from equestrian brands like Weatherbeeta and John Whitaker, who incorporate technical features to provide horses with the very best accessories.

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