Venison's Star Sustainable Role in an Eco-Friendly Christmas Dinner

Venison's Star Sustainable Role in an Eco-Friendly Christmas Dinner

Venison's Star Sustainable Role in an Eco-Friendly Christmas Dinner

As the holiday season approaches, many of us are looking forward to indulging in delicious meals and tasty treats. 

The idea of a traditional Christmas dinner often revolves around a large roast turkey or beef joint that is surrounded by roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, and all the trimmings. 

But, have you ever stopped to consider the environmental impact of this festive feast?

With the growing awareness of climate change and the impact of meat production on the environment, more and more people are seeking alternative options that are kinder to the planet. Venison has been gaining popularity as a sustainable choice for an environmentally friendly Christmas dinner.

A low carbon footprint, abundance in certain regions, and nutritional benefits, it's not hard to see why this meat is transforming the way people think about what's on their plate come December time. In this blog post, we explore further into why venison is becoming a star player and how it is the perfect solution that brings both taste and eco-friendliness to the table.


What is the Ideal Christmas Dinner?

Traditional Christmas Dinner

Picture this: it's December 25th and the air is filled with the aroma of a mouthwatering meal. Friends and family gather around a beautifully decorated table, eagerly awaiting the highlight of the day - the Christmas dinner.

But, what truly makes up the perfect feast? 

Although different households may have their own takes, you can usually expect to find the following:

  • Roast meat, such as turkey, beef, or ham
  • Crispy, golden roast potatoes
  • Yorkshire puddings, as big as you can get them!
  • Soft and light stuffing 
  • Selection of vegetables, such as carrots, broccoli, peas, and Brussels sprouts
  • Rich, thick gravy to be poured all over
  • Condiments like a sweet and tangy cranberry sauce or deliciously creamy bread sauce.

Christmas brings the joy of food to the table, and it just wouldn't be the same without a decadent meal to gather round for. 


What is the Best Meat for Christmas?

Different Types of Meat

There's a lot to be said for tradition at Christmas time. 

Whether it's snowy or rainy, surprisingly sunny or howling with wind, families will usually plan their days around what is seasonal for them. Leaving a mince pie and carrots out for Santa and Rudolph the night before, opening presents, attending church, going for a walk after dinner, watching the King's Speech - there are plenty of ways to celebrate and enjoy the day. 

The main event is often the huge Christmas dinner that gets placed on the table for everyone to tuck into. The meat that is centre-stage of the meal is usually chosen from the following:

  • Turkey (or chicken)
  • Ham
  • Beef
  • Lamb 
  • Goose.

These meats are popular choices, but let's not forget about some more unconventional options that can make your dinner truly unique. 

If you're looking for a sustainable twist this year, consider venison. Not only is it a delicious and healthy alternative, but it also has some serious eco-credentials. 


Why Choose Venison for Christmas?

Venison Meat

This Christmas, let's raise our glasses and toast to venison's star role in an eco-friendly dinner. Because saving the planet never tasted so good!

Here's why:

  1. Low carbon footprint: Move over Santa - venison doesn't need a sleigh to make it to your table. Unlike other meats, venison comes from our very own deer population that roam our picturesque UK countryside. No need to worry about those pesky food miles or energy-intensive transportation. Your Christmas dinner won't be adding to those dreaded greenhouse gas emissions
  2. Eco-friendly deer management: Hunting and managing deer populations is like a superhero mission for our environment. It helps reduce damage to forests and keeps diseases, like those pesky deer ticks, in check. Talk about having your roast and being environmentally responsible too!
  3. Delicious and healthy: Venison isn't just good for the planet, it's good for you too. It's a lean meat that's packed with protein and essential nutrients and minerals, including iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, as well as vitamins B6, B12, riboflavin, niacin and thiamine. Add some excitement and flavour to your festive feast without the guilt
  4. A twist on tradition: Who needs the same old turkey or ham when you can have venison? It's a unique and tasty alternative that will surely impress your guests. Plus, it's a great way to showcase your adventurous and sustainable approach to Christmas.

So this year, ditch the traditional meats and jump on the venison wagon. 


Is Venison More Environmentally Friendly Than Beef?

A new meat has firmly come to town - venison!

This meat is a top contender in the green game, and there are plenty of reasons why it beats beef for this year's roast:

  • Venison production has a significantly lower carbon footprint compared to beef, making it a more environmentally responsible choice
  • Unlike beef, which relies on energy-intensive animal farming, the vast majority of venison comes from wild deer populations, freely roaming our lush British countryside
  • Venison doesn't have to travel far to get to your plate. With deer territory spread across the UK, you're supporting local and sustainable options by choosing venison.

Venison offers a delicious, nutrient-rich, and environmentally friendly alternative that will leave both your taste buds and Mother Earth satisfied. Give beef a break, and tuck into something tasty. 


How to Cook Venison for Christmas

Venison Displayed on Wooden Board with Juniper Berries

So, you've decided to shake things up this Christmas and go for the star of sustainable meals. 

Some tips and tricks for cooking venison just right are:

  • The meat has a robust flavour, so opt for simple seasonings like rosemary, thyme, garlic, or juniper berries to let the natural taste shine
  • Venison is low in fat and is best enjoyed medium-rare for optimal tenderness
  • Before roasting, bring the venison to room temperature for even cooking
  • When roasting larger cuts, sear all sides of the meat to seal in the juices
  • For a medium-rare roast, cook at 180°C/350°F for 15 minutes per 500g
  • After cooking, let the venison rest, covered, for 5-10 minutes to allow the juices to distribute evenly.


Where Can You Buy Venison?

Venison can be purchased from various sources, both online and offline.

Here are some common places where you can buy this delicious meat:

  • Local butchers often carry venison or can source it for you upon request
  • Farmers' markets are a great place to find fresh and locally sourced venison
  • Several online retailers offer a wide range of high-quality venison products. You can browse their websites, choose the desired cuts, and have them delivered to your doorstep. We love Deerbox as a great way to introduce yourself into the game!

When purchasing the meat, ensure that it comes from a reputable source that promotes sustainable and ethical hunting practices. It's also worth getting your orders in as soon as possible, as Christmas time can be busy for any meat supplier.


5 Tips for an Eco-Friendly Christmas

Are you ready to sleigh this Christmas with an eco-friendly twist?

Here are 5 tips to help you have a holly, jolly, and sustainable celebration:

  1. Support Local and Fair Trade: Choose British produce to support local farmers across the country and reduce transportation emissions
  2. Plan Ahead to Reduce Food Waste - Plan your Christmas meals carefully to avoid food waste. Make a detailed shopping list, portion meals appropriately, and use leftovers creatively
  3. Eco-Friendly Gift Giving - Consider giving experiences or eco-conscious products made from recycled materials or ethically sourced items 
  4. Use Time-Saving Appliances - Air fryers, slow cookers, and pressure cookers use energy efficiently and also reduce cooking times
  5. Start Composting - Establishing a composting system is a great way to reduce waste during the holiday season. Instead of throwing away food scraps and peelings, use them to create nutrient-rich compost for your garden.

So, this Christmas, let's embrace sustainability and spread the joy in an environmentally-friendly way. Remember, a little change can go a long way!



By choosing venison as a centrepiece for your holiday meal, you are making a conscious choice that benefits both your health and the environment.

With careful hunting practices and responsible game management, venison can be sourced in a way that supports wildlife conservation and preserves natural ecosystems, as well as supporting local farmers and businesses.

Let venison take its well-deserved place at your eco-friendly Christmas table this festive season.

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